Card component - How to use

Basic use

Invocation of the component would look something like this:

[Your content here]
<Hds::Card::Container @level="mid" @hasBorder={{true}}>[Your content here]</Hds::Card::Container>

Renders to:

[Your content here]

Notice: as you can see the layout of the card itself, and its content, is left to the consumer of the component. The Hds::Card::Container is nothing more than a block container – a <div> – that provides styling for the elevation, border and backgroung. Sizing of the card, internal padding, and content alignment, are all left to the consumer of the component.

In this example we apply custom classes to control the layout of the card and its content:

[Your content here]
<div class="my-custom-class-to-set-the-card-layout">
  <Hds::Card::Container @level="mid" @hasBorder={{true}}>
    <div class="my-custom-class-to-set-the-content-layout">
      [Your content here]

Renders to:

[Your content here]

In this case we've added an external element that wraps the card, with a custom class that controls the width of the wrapper itself (but could also be a CSS flex or grid container, for example) and an internal element that wraps the content and applies padding around it (resulting in visual internal padding for the card) and aligns the text to the center.

Interactive states

At the moment there are not specifications or recommended ways for how the card component should behave when used for interactive elements. This is something we will work on in the future. Despite this, some products have implemented designs that provide visual feeback to the user interacting with a card by changing the elevation style (on :hover or :active).

As a stopgap measure, we have introduced two specific arguments @levelHover and @levelActive to allow users to declare the specific "level" they want to use for each of these interactive states.

In the following example the card transitions between these elevation mid → high → mid depending on these interation states rest → hover → active:

[Your content here]
<div class="my-custom-class-to-set-the-card-layout">
  <Hds::Card::Container @level="mid" @levelHover="high" @levelActive="mid" @hasBorder={{true}}>
    <div class="my-custom-class-to-set-the-content-layout">
      [Your content here]

Renders to:

[Your content here]

🚨Important: this is just an example and not a recommendation: if you have any doubt about which level to use for the different states, please speak with your product designer or with the HDS team.