Typography - How to use

The suggested way to apply the typographic definitions to a UI element is using the predefined CSS helper classes provided.

Design tokens

There are numerous typographic design tokens in our system.

Since they are "atomic" definitions that associate a particular typographic property (e.g. font-size, or line-height, or letter-spacing) to a single value, they are not exactly "typographic" styles.

For this reason we strongly advise against using them directly in your CSS, and prefer the CSS helpers provided by the system, to avoid "mix & match" of typographic styles.

CSS helper classes

There are different CSS helper classes that can be used for different purposes.

If you want to change only the font-family you can use one the "font-family" helpers:


<p class="hds-font-family-sans-text">...</p>

These helpers are meant to use in very special cases, when the designers used custom typographic styles.

Notice: the "font-family-sans-display" helper is intented for headings and titles, while the "font-family-sans-text" helper is intended for body copy text. The "font-family-mono-code" helper is intended for monospaced text.

In most of the cases, you will use the typography CSS helpers:


<p class="hds-typography-display-300">...</p>

These classes will contain, in a single declaration, everything that you need to apply a "standard" style to an element: font-family, font-size, line-height, plus a reset for margin and padding to 0px (to match how they behave in Figma).

If you want to change the font-weight of an element you can use one the "font-weight" helpers:



<!-- with font-family CSS helpers -->
<p class="hds-font-family-sans-text hds-font-weight-medium">...</p>

<!-- with typographic style CSS helpers -->
<p class="hds-typography-display-300 hds-font-weight-semibold">...</p>

These are the CSS helper classes that you can use:

To use this classes you have to import the CSS file [products|devdot]/css/helpers/typography.css from the @hashicorp/design-system-tokens package.


  • while the font-family/font-weight/typography helpers can be combined together in code, in reality not all the combinations are valid from the design perspective: please refer to the design documentation to see which styles combinations are allowed.